EximiousSoft Logo Designer Pro

Logo Designer Pro provides you with solution that meets any requirement for design Logos. It offers over 5000 supreme quality logo templates and 6000 vector graphics symbols while keeps 20+ expert Drawing Tools for building amazing logos.

> Products > Logo Maker Software > Logo Designer Pro Guide > Editing > How to Use Lattice Deformation

How to Use Lattice Deformation

The Lattice Deformation tool places the selected object in a 5x5 grid. The user then drags the anchor point on the grid with the mouse, and the shape of the object will be distorted or deformed by the movement of the anchor point.

1Select the Object

Before execute Lattice Deformation, be sure to select the object to be deformed. You can use the Select Tool to perform the object selection process. You can also select the object you want to distort by left-clicking it on the canvas after switching to the Lattice Deforamtion Tool. It should be noted that each time Lattice Deformation only affects one object. This means that one and only one object needs to be selected before the deformation can be performed.

In addition, Lattice Deformation is only applied to a path object, which means that if you select a text or shape object for Lattice Deformation, then you need to convert it into a path object. As shown below.

Convert to Path Message Box

2Use Preset Lattice Deformation

Logo Designer Pro provides several preset deformed styles. There are 16 preset styles in total, divided into four rows and four columns. The deformation styles in the first and third rows are grid vibrations in a vertical direction. The second and fourth rows have styles where the grid vibrates in a horizontal direction. The difference between the deformed styles is a slightly different amplitude when the directions are the same.

Use the mouse to click on the "Preset" button, and then you will see thumbnails of these styles in the list box that pops up. Move the mouse over a style item, and you will preview on the canvas what the selected path object will look like after being deformed. If you are satisfied with the effect of a twisted style, click the left mouse button on the style item to confirm. As shown below.

Preset Lattice Deformation Style

If you feel that the above preset styles are not what you expect, click the "Custom" button. In the dialog box that pops up, select deformation along the horizontal or vertical direction, and enter the degree of deformation, that is, the amplitude. On the canvas you will see what the selected path object looks like after being deformed by the lattice. If you are satisfied with the result. Click the "OK" button to confirm.

Custom Lattice Deformation Button Custom Lattice Dialog
  • Horizontal: Lattice Deformation will occur along the horizontal direction.
  • Vertical: Lattice Deformation will occur along the vertical direction.
  • Twist: Lattice Deformation will bulge in a curve to one side.
  • Wave: Lattice Deformation vibrates in a waveform on both sides.
  • Level: Indicates the degree of lattice deformation. Usually it is the amplitude. 100 corresponds to the maximum amplitude. 0 means no deformation.

3Move Anchor Points for Deformation

There are a total of 25 anchor points in the entire grid. The essence of using Lattice Deformation is to control the position of these anchor points. The preset deformation style uses algorithms to calculate the positions of these anchor points to achieve the purpose of deformation. A more convenient way is to move each anchor point directly with the mouse to get deformation. As shown below.

Moving Lattice Anchors for Deformation


After the Lattice Deformation tool is opened, you will find a set of options related to the Lattice Deformation tool on the far right of the Ribbon Bar. As shown below.

Lattice Deforamtion Tool Options

  • Horizontal Mirror: It is checked to mirror movements in horizontal.
  • Vertical Mirror: It is checked to mirror movements in vertical.
  • Reset: Clicking this will restore all options to their default values.