EximiousSoft Logo Designer Pro

Logo Designer Pro provides you with solution that meets any requirement for design Logos. It offers over 5000 supreme quality logo templates and 6000 vector graphics symbols while keeps 20+ expert Drawing Tools for building amazing logos.

> Products > Logo Maker Software > Logo Designer Pro Guide > Editing > How to Envelope Distort Objects

How to Envelope Distort Objects

The Envelope Deformation tool places four blend paths on the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right boundaries of the selected object. When the path changes, the shape of the selected object also distorts. The Envelope Deformation tool is a relatively complex deformation tool. In Logo Designer Pro, in order to simplify the operation, usually only two blend paths are placed top and bottom of the selected object, and the effects of the transformation paths on the left and right sides can basically be ignored. This is because when there are more paths, the greater the interference between them, and the shape of the object becomes difficult to control.

1Select the Object

Before performing Envelope Deformation, be sure to select the object to be deformed. You can use the Select Tool to perform the object selection process. You can also select the object you want to distort by left-clicking it on the canvas after switching to the Envelope Deformation tool. It should be noted that each time envelope deformation transformation is only for one object. This means that one and only one selected object is required before the deformation is executed.

In addition, Envelope Deformation only applies to path objects, which means that if you select a text, shape object to perform envelope deformation, then you need to convert it into a path object. As shown below.

Convert to Path Message Box

2Use Preset Envelope Deformations

Logo Designer Pro provides several preset deformation styles. There are 16 preset styles in total. In each style, the top and bottom blend paths are a pair of arcs with the same center and different radii. According to the orientation of the arc at its center, the 16 styles can be divided into four groups: Top, Bottom, Left, and Right. In each group, the difference between the styles is only limited to the different sizes of the central angles corresponding to the arcs.

Use the mouse to click on the "Preset" button, and then you will see thumbnails of these styles in the list box that pops up. Move the mouse over a style item, and you will preview on the canvas what the selected path object will look like after envelope deformation. If you are satisfied with the effect of a deformed style, click the left mouse button on the style item to confirm. As shown below.

Preset Envelope Deformation Style

If you feel that the above preset styles are not what you expect, click the "Custom" button. In the dialog box that pops up, select the location of the arcs and enter the size of the central angle. On the canvas you will see what the selected path object looks like after being deformed by the envelope. If you are satisfied with the result. Click the "OK" button to confirm.

Custom Envelope Deformation Button Custom Envelope Deformation Dialog
  • Top: The blend arcs are above the center of the circle where it is located.
  • Left: The blend arcs are to the left of the center of its circle.
  • Right: The blend arcs are to the right of the center of the circle where it is located.
  • Bottom: The blend arcs are below the center of its circle.
  • Angle: The size of the central angle corresponding to the arcs.

3Edit Deformation Paths

If the custom styles above don't meet your needs, then you'll need to create and edit deformation paths yourself. As shown in the figure below, use the Node Tool provided by Logo Designer Pro to visually edit the blend paths.

Edit Top Blend Path.gif

After opening the Envelope Deformation tool, you can see a set of toolbar buttons related to editing deformation paths on the far right of the Ribbon Bar. As shown below.

Edit Blend Paths Toolbar Buttons

  • Edit Top Blend Path: Call Node Tool to edit the top blend path and enter the path editing state.
  • Copy Top Blend Path: Copy the top blend path of the selected object to the system clipboard.
  • Paste Top Blend Path: Set the top blend path to the path pasted from the system clipboard.
  • Edit Bottom Blend Path: Call Node Tool to edit the bottom blend path and enter the path editing state.
  • Copy Bottom Blend Path: Copy the bottom blend path of the selected object to the system clipboard.
  • Paste Bottom Blend Path: Set the bottom blend path to the path pasted from the system clipboard.
  • Reset: Restore the Top blend path and Bottom blend path to the default paths. Their default paths are all straight segments. Does not cause distortion of the selected object.