Business Card Designer Pro

Business Card Designer Pro is equipped with featured design tools and 1000+ templates to create nice business cards quickly and easily. You can print the cards on your local printer or export your design as PDF or JPG files or bring to a professional printshop for printing.

> Products > Business Card Software > Business Card Designer Pro Guide > Working Area > Ribbon Menu

Ribbon Menu

Ribbon Style has many advantages such as beautiful, simple, intuitive, WYSIWYG. Since MS added the ribbon style to its Office software, it has quickly attracted widespread user recognition and support, and has quickly become a popular desktop program display feature in the industry today. The ribbon bar of Business Card Designer Pro contains Edit, Object, Layout, Text, Path, Layer, View and other 7 tab categories. Each category is briefly described below.


Click the "Edit" tabbed category button on the ribbon bar, all function buttons are shown as the below screenshot.

  • Cut Selection: Copy all selected graphics, images, and texts on the canvas to the system clipboard. After the copy is successful, the selection is deleted from the canvas.

  • Copy Selection:Copy all selected graphics, images, text, etc. on the canvas to the system clipboard. Unlike the Cut command, the selection is not deleted after copying.

  • Delete Selection: Delete all selected graphics, images, text and other objects on the canvas.

  • Paste from Clipboard: Copy graphics, images, text, and other objects from the system clipboard to the canvas and place them where the mouse is.

  • Paste in Place: The basic function is the same as the "Paste" command. The only difference is that after copying, all objects retain their original position when copied to the clipboard, regardless of the current mouse position.

  • Paste Style: Applies the fill and stroke styles of vector objects in the current clipboard to all selected objects on the canvas.

  • Paste Size: Adjust the size (width / height) of all selected objects to match the size of the objects in the clipboard.

  • Selection Tool: Select or deselect one or more objects. For the selected one or more objects, you can translate, scale, rotate, and skew.

  • Flood Tool: Fill the enclosed area where the mouse click is with the current fill style.

  • Rectangle Tool: Draw a rectangle with rounded corners on the canvas, where the size of the rounded corners can be adjusted.

  • Spray Tool: The tool copy all the currently selected objects to each position dragged by the mouse.

  • Arc Tool: Draw ovals, circles, arcs etc. shapes on the canvas.

  • Erase Tool: Delete the drawing object in contact with the mouse on the canvas, or split the object along the position and direction of the mouse movement.

  • Star Tool: There are multiple options for drawing graphics such as stars and positive polymorphs on the canvas.

  • Pick Color Tool: Pick the color from the canvas as the current fill style.

  • Spiral Tool: Draw a spiral on the canvas. The number of revolutions, the degree of divergence, and the radius are all adjustable.

  • Gradient Tool: Tool for making gradient color rendering, including linear gradients and radial gradients.

  • Freehand Tool: Move the mouse on the canvas to draw a straight line, if you drag the mouse, draw a path along the mouse movement track.

  • Measurement Tool: Drag the mouse to measure the dimension of the object.

  • Pen Tool: Draw Bezier or straight line segments on the canvas.

  • Connect Tool: Connect related objects on the canvas with straight or curved segments with arrows.

  • Brush Tool: Freehand drawing with brush on canvas.

  • Zoom Tool: A tool to zoom in or zoom out on the canvas.


Click the "Object" tabbed category button on the ribbon bar, all function buttons are shown as the below screenshot.

  • Duplicate: Copy all currently selected graphics, images, text, etc. to the canvas. Unlike "Copy Selection", This copy process does not copy the objects to the clipboard.

  • Clone Object: Clone all currently selected graphics, images, text, etc. onto the canvas. Note that cloning is not really a copy. The cloned object is dependent and attached to the original object until the link is broken. The copied object is an object in a completely independent sense.

  • Make a Bitmap Copy: Draw all selected objects into a bitmap and copy it to the system clipboard.

  • Fill & Stroke: This command displays Fill & Stroke Bar. Users can set the fill and stroke style of vector objects in Fill & Stroke Bar.

  • Transform: This command will display the Transform sub-page window. In the Transform sub-window, you can manually set the moving distance, rotation angle, skewing and scaling ratio.

  • Group: Group objects together so that they can be treated as a single object.

  • Ungroup: Break a set of grouped shapes back into individual objects.

  • Set: Use the topmost vector object as the clipping path for the other selected objects.

  • Release: Removes the clipping path of all selected objects.

  • Set: Use the topmost vector object as a mask for other selection objects.

  • Release: Removes the mask settings from all selected objects.

  • Set: Convert the selection into a rectangle filled with a pattern tile.

  • Release: Extract objects from a tiled fill pattern.

  • Raise Step: Raises all selected objects up one level.

  • Lower Step: Lower all selected objects down one level.

  • Raise to Top: Bring all selected objects to the front.

  • Lower to Bottom: Sends all selected objects to the bottom display.

  • Rotate 90 CW: Rotate all selected objects 90 degrees clockwise.

  • Rotate 90 CCW:Rotate all selected objects 90 degrees counterclockwise.

  • Flip Horizontally: Flips all selected objects horizontally.

  • Flip Vertically: Flips all selected objects vertically.

  • Unhide All: Show all hidden objects on the current layer.

  • Unlock All: Unlock all locked objects on the current layer.


Click the "Layout" tabbed category button on the ribbon bar, all function buttons are shown as the below screenshot.

  • Align Right to Left: Align the right edge of the selected object with the left edge of other specified objects or pages or the area where all selected objects are located or the area where all objects are located.

  • Align Bottom to Top: Align the bottom edge of the selected object with the top edge of other specified objects or pages or the area where all selected objects are located or the area where all objects are located.

  • Align Left: Align the left edge of the selected object with the left edge of other specified objects or pages or the area where all selected objects are located or the area where all objects are located.

  • Align Top: Align the top edge of the selected object with the top edge of other specified objects or pages or the area where all selected objects are located or the area where all objects are located.

  • Align Center: Align the center in the horizontal direction of the selected object with the center position in the horizontal direction of other specified objects or pages or the area where all selected objects are located or the area where all objects are located.

  • Align Middle: Align the middle position in the vertical direction of the selected object with other specified objects or pages or the vertical position in the area where all selected objects are located or the area where all objects are located.

  • Align Right: Align the right edge of the selected object with the right edge of other specified objects or pages or the area where all selected objects are located or the area where all objects are located.

  • Align Bottom: Align the bottom edge of the selected object with the bottom edge of other specified objects or pages or the area where all selected objects are located or the area where all objects are located.

  • Align Left to Right: Align the left edge of the selected object with the right edge of other specified objects or pages or the area where all selected objects are located or the area where all objects are located.

  • Align Top to Bottom: Align the top edge of the selected object with the bottom edge of other specified objects or pages or the area where all selected objects are located or the area where all objects are located.

  • Align Text Horizontally: Align selected text objects and other text objects horizontally to the baseline.

  • Align Text Vertically: Align the selected text object and other text objects vertically to the baseline.

  • Threat Selection as Group: Treat all selected objects as a single object.

  • Relative to: Select a region as the alignment target.

  • Distribute Left Edges: In all selected objects, all adjacent objects keep the left edge gap equal.

  • Distribute Top Edges: In all selected objects, all adjacent objects have the same top edge gap.

  • Distribute Centers Horizontally: Of all the selected objects, all adjacent objects are kept at the same horizontal center interval.

  • Distribute Centers Vertically: Among all the selected objects, all adjacent objects are kept at equal distances in the vertical direction.

  • Distribute Right Edges: In all selected objects, all adjacent objects keep the right edge gap equal.

  • Distribute Bottom Edges: In all selected objects, all adjacent objects have the same bottom edge gap.

  • Make Equal Gap Horizontally: In all selected objects, all adjacent objects are kept equally spaced horizontally.

  • Make Equal Gap Vertically: In all selected objects, all adjacent objects are equally spaced in the vertical direction.

  • Distribute Baseline Horizontally: In all selected text objects, all adjacent objects maintain equal distances between baselines in the horizontal direction.

  • Distribute Baseline Vertically: Among all selected text objects, all adjacent objects maintain the same distance between baselines in the vertical direction.

  • Arrange: Nicely arrange selected connector network.

  • Exchange Positions via Selection Order: Swap positions in selection order for selected objects.

  • Exchange Positions via Stacking Order: Swap positions of selected objects in stack order.

  • Exchange Positions via Clockwise Rotation: Swap positions of selected objects in clockwise rotation direction.

  • Distribute randomly: randomize centers in both dimensions.

  • Distribute Unclump: Unclamp objects: try to equalize edge-to-edge distance.

  • Horizontal Gap: Specified minimum horizontal gap (in pixel units) between bounding boxes.

  • Vertical Gap: Specified minimum vertical gap (in pixel units) between bounding boxes.

  • Remove Overlaps: Move objects as little as possible so that their bounding boxes do not overlap.


Click the "Text" tabbed category button on the ribbon bar, all function buttons are shown as the below screenshot.

  • Create and Edit Text: Create a new text object on the canvas. After you click Create, the cursor blinks at the mouse click, prompting you to enter text.

  • Select Font: Set the font of selected text.

  • Font Size: Set the font size of the selected text.

  • Bold: Selected to make selected text bold.

  • Italic: Italicize the selected text.

  • Toggle Superscript: Selected to make the selected text is superscript.

  • Toggle Subscript: Selected to make the selected text is subscript.

  • Align Text Left: Align selected text to left.

  • Center Text: Align selected text to center.

  • Align Text Right: Align selected text to right.

  • Justify: Justify only flowed text.

  • Horizontal: Text is laid out horizontally.

  • Vertical: Text is laid out vertically.

  • Letter Spacing: Used to specify the space between two adjacent letters in the selected character. Units is pixel.

  • Line Height: Used to specify the space between two adjacent lines in the selected character. The unit is a multiple of the current line font size.

  • Word Spacing: Used to specify the space between two adjacent words in the selected character. Unit is pixel.

  • Vertical Shift: Specifies the vertical offset of the selected character. Unit is pixel.

  • Kerning: Used to specify the horizontal gap between the selected character and the preceding non-selected character. Unit is pixel.

  • Letter Rotation: Used to specify the rotation angle of the selected character.

  • Put on Path: All characters on the text are arranged and laid out according to the specified path.

  • Remove from Path: Restores text to normal horizontal or vertical arrangement and layout, Not put on path.

  • Flow into Frame: Put text into a frame (path or shape), create a flowed text linked to the frame object.

  • Text Unflow: Remove the text from frame, Create a single line text object.

  • Convert to Texts: Convert flowed text to regular text object, but preserves appearance.

  • Remove Manual Kerns:Remove all manual kerns and glyph rotations from a text object.


Click the "Path" tabbed category button on the ribbon bar, all function buttons are shown as the below screenshot.

  • Node Tool: After clicking this button, you can visually edit the path of the selected vector object. You can add or delete nodes on the path, adjust or move the node position, smooth the transformation curve, etc. With this tool, you can create arbitrary graphics.

  • Insert Node: Click on a curved or straight segment to add a node.

  • Delete Node: Click a node on a straight or curved segment to delete it.

  • Join Nodes: Connect broken straight or curved segments through nodes. The new connection node is at the midpoint of the segment of the original selected nodes.

  • Break Nodes:Breaks a straight line segment or a curved segment at a specified node and becomes two or more straight segment or curved segment.

  • Join with Segment: Add a new straight line segment at the end node to connect the original broken straight line end or curve segment.

  • Delete Segment: Break the original straight or curved segment into two or more segments at the specified nodes. At the same time, the curved or straight segments between the selected nodes will also be removed.

  • Node Cusp: Converts the curved segments connected to the selected nodes into straight segments.

  • Node Smooth: Converts straight line segments connected to the selected nodes into curved segments.

  • Node Symmetric: Specifies that the straight or curved segments at both ends connected to the selected nodes remain symmetrical.

  • Node Auto: Specifies to keep the straight or curved segments connected to the selected nodes smooth.

  • Node Line: Converts curved segments between two or more selected nodes into straight segments.

  • Node Curve: Convert straight line segments between two or more selected nodes into curved segments.

  • X: Specifies the abscissa of the selected node.

  • Y: Specifies the ordinate of the selected node.

  • Unit:Specify the units to use for coordinates.

  • Show Clipping Path: Checked to show clipping path(s) of selected objects.

  • Show Mask: Checked to show mask(s) of selected objects.

  • Show Handles:Checked to show bezier handles of selected nodes.

  • Show Outline:Checked to show outlines of selected objects.

  • Object to Path:Convert selected objects such as rectangles, ellipses, polygons, stars, spirals, text, etc. into paths. This will allow you to edit these objects using the Path tool.

  • Stroke to Path:Turn stroked parts of vector objects into path objects so you can use the path tool to edit these stroked parts.

  • Union: Create union of selected paths.

  • Difference: Create difference of selected paths(the first selected one minus the second).

  • Intersection: Create intersection of selected paths.

  • Exclusion: Create Exclusion OR of selected paths.

  • Division: Cut the first selected shape into pieces.

  • Cut Path: Cut the first selected shape's stroke into pieces, removing fill.

  • Combine: Combine several selected shapes into one shape.

  • Break Apart: Break the selected shapes which contain more than two paths into more sub shapes everyone contain a single path.

  • Inset: Inset selected paths.

  • Dynamic Offset: Create a dynamic offset object.

  • Outset: Outset selected paths.

  • Linked Offset: Create a dynamic offset object to the original path.

  • Simplify: Simplify the path by reducing some redundant nodes on the path.

  • Reverse: Reverse the direction of selected paths (useful for flipping marks).


Just click "Layer" category in the ribbon bar, All related tool buttons are listed below it.

  • Add Layer: Create a new layer in the current business card design.

  • Duplicate Layer: Make a copy of the current layer in business card design.

  • Delete Current Layer: Delete the current layer in the current business card design.

  • Rename Layer: Change the name of the current layer.

  • Show/Hide Current Layer: Toggle visibility of current layer.

  • Lock/Unlock Current Layer: Toggle lock of current layer.

  • Layers: This command displays the layer control panel for viewing, managing, and editing layers.

  • Move Selection to Layer Above: Move the selection to the layer which is above the current.

  • Move Selection to Layer Below:Move the selection to the layer which is below the current.

  • Move Selection to Layer:Move the selection to the specified layer.

  • Switch to Layer Above:Set the layer above the current layer as the current layer.

  • Switch to Layer Below:Set the layer below the current layer as the current layer.

  • Raise Layer:Moves the current layer up one level.

  • Lower Layer:Moves the current layer down one level.

  • Layer to Top:Move the current layer up to the top.

  • Layer to Bottom:Move the current layer up to the bottom.


Just click "View" category in the ribbon bar, All related tool buttons are listed below it.

  • Status Bar: Toggle visibility of Status Bar.

  • Fill & Stroke Bar: Toggle visibility of Fill & Stroke Bar.

  • Widgets Bar: Toggle visibility of Widgets Bar.

  • Symbols List: Toggle visibility of Symbols List.

  • Cliparts List: Toggle visibility of Cliparts List.

  • Filters List: Toggle visibility of Filters List.

  • Palette Bar: Toggle visibility of Palette Bar.

  • Ruler Bar: Toggle visibility of Ruler Bar.

  • Page Grid: Show or hide page gird.

  • Grid Settings: Set the density and adjacent spacing of grid lines in the vertical or horizontal direction.

  • Enable Snapping: It is selected to enable snapping.

  • Enable Snapping: It is selected to enable snapping.

  • Snap bounding box corners: It is selected to snap bounding box corners.

  • Snap Center: It is selected to snap centers of bounding boxes.

  • Snap Midpoints: It is selected to snap midpoints of bounding box edges.

  • Project Settings: Checked to show "Project Settings" sub-page widget to change print layout for business card design.

  • Transform: Checked to show "Transform" sub-page widget.

  • Layer: Checked to show "Layer" sub-page widget.

  • Registration: Enter license key for registration.

  • Order: Purchase a license keys for EximiousSoft Business Card Designer Pro.

  • Supports:If you have any problems or suggestions. Click here to contact EximiousSoft Team.