Business Card Designer Pro

Business Card Designer Pro is equipped with featured design tools and 1000+ templates to create nice business cards quickly and easily. You can print the cards on your local printer or export your design as PDF or JPG files or bring to a professional printshop for printing.

> Products > Business Card Software > Business Card Designer Pro Guide > Using > Basic Shape Tool > How to Draw Spirals

How to Draw Spirals

1Choose to Draw Spiral

On the Main Ribbon Bar, switch to the "Edit" category. Find the "Basic Shape Tool" tool button on the "Edit Tools" panel. Clicking the icon Baisc Shape Tool Icon will make the Basic Shape Tool the currently active drawing tool. In the options list box on the right, you will see a series of preseted basic graphics.Please select a suitable spiral style in the fifth column from the left for subsequent drawing. As shown in the screenshot below.

Business Card Creation - Choose Spiral Tool

2Draw Spiral by Drag

Move the mouse on the canvas near the position of the spiral to be drawn. Click the left mouse button, the position will become the center point of the spiral. Keeping the mouse pressed down, drag the mouse until the spiral has the desired size. Release the left mouse button to end the process.

Business Card Creation - Draw Spiral Object on Canvas

3Adjust Size & Vertex Position if Needs

When you have finished drawing a spiral on the canvas, you can still adjust the size or vertex position of the spiral. Like the Selection Tool, before you adjust, you need to use the mouse to click to select the spiral to be adjusted. Unlike the Selection Tool, the Spiral Tool does not support multiple selection, that is, only one spiral object can be selected at a time. If you select other types of objects such as text, paths, or other basic shapes (rectangle, arc, polygon, star etc.), you need to double-click to activate the corresponding editing tool to adjust them. You can adjust the size of the spiral by Drag.

When a spiral is selected, a rhombus-shaped anchor point will appears at the vertex position of the spiral. They are used to adjust the size or vertex position of the spiral. As shown below. Move the mouse over the anchor point, and when it is highlighted, click the anchor point, then keep the mouse pressed, Drag the mouse along the curve until the spiral has the most desired size or the vertices to the most suitable position, and then release the left mouse button to end.

Business Card Creation - Spiral Anchor Points Business Card Creation - Adjust Size and Vertex Position
Adjust Anchors Adjust Size and Vertex Position

4Adjust Turns, Divergence and Inner Radius

Business Card Designer Pro provides several options to set or adjust the spiral just drawn. Including Turns, Divergence and Inner Radius. As shown below.

Business Card Creation - Draw Spiral Options

  • Turns: Specifies number of revolutions the spiral wraps around the center point.
    Business Card Creation - Spiral Object with Turns=3 Business Card Creation - Spiral Object with Turns=5 Business Card Creation - Spiral Object with Turns=7
    Turns = 3 Turns = 5 Turns = 7
  • Divergence: Specify the degree of divergence of the spiral. The larger the value, the faster the distance between the point on the spiral and the center point will increase. The spiral looks sparser. The opposite is the opposite.
    Business Card Creation - spiral with divergence  = 1 Business Card Creation - spiral with divergence  = 2 Business Card Creation - spiral with divergence  = 3
    Divergence = 1 Divergence = 2 Divergence = 3
  • Inner Radius: Specify the ratio of the radius of the innermost revolution to the radius of the outermost revolution (that is the size of the spiral).
    Business Card Creation - Spiral Inner Radius = 0 Business Card Creation - Spiral Inner Radius = 0.25 Business Card Creation - Spiral Inner Radius = 0.5
    Inner Radius = 0 Inner Radius = 0.25 Inner Radius = 0.5
  • Reset: Restore to the default value. Among them, Turns = 3, Divergence = 1 and Inner Radius = 0.0.